Diane Sawyer Plastic Surgery

One of the most beautiful broadcast journalists, Ms. Sawyer whose name appears almost everyday on ABC’s flagship program, World News Tonight is now claimed to have gone under knife to enhance her youthful and awesome facial look. An anchor that was born in 1945 has full name, Lila Diane Sawyer. Sawyer’s name casually discussed in a forum of celebrity plastic surgery, but the question is, has Diane Sawyer ever been really under the knife?

Diane Sawyer Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures

Diane Sawyer Cosmetic Surgery Before and After

Diane Sawyer Plastic Surgery Before and After

Appearing with a youthful and refreshed look leads Diane into a plastic surgery speculation. Many people think that she undertook cosmetic surgery procedure to look for eternal youth. We can also have a look at her current and previous photos that can be seen how her face is so flawless, no wrinkles and or sagging skin around her neck, forehead and eyes. This situation according to many people is a rare thing happened to any women at her age without plastic surgery intervention.

Sawyer has a good looking and it is due to her Botox process that she took over the years. She appears with smooth appearance and public can hardly find any aging lines or crow’s feet around her face. As you can see from the photos where her face, particularly on her forehead looks so smooth, wrinkles less , and the Botox injection must have removed those things. As the result, she appears younger as today.

Diane Sawyer Facelift Before and After

Diane Sawyer Plastic Surgery Facelift Before and After

Facelift is another rumor that she has taken. The face-lift result can be seen where her face is a bit tight and perfectly her neckline looks more defined now, indicating that she may have a lower face-lift.

For celebrities, having the combination of Botox and facelift are not enough. Therefore, most of them then opted to have another complimentary procedure; nose job is the most possible one. Like Sawyer, she is also claimed to have gone under knife to reshape her nose. Her older photo collections reveal that she had a wider nose tip and a bit bump. But then her recent nose looks narrower, more refined and more pointed as well now. People then suspected that this senior old news anchor must have a rhinoplasty to refine and reshape her nose.

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